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Hi, I am Yohan

Yohan Alexander

Software Engineer at Uber

Software engineer who helped Uber to migrate a 7 Billion dollar business to deliver groceries on demand, while keeping user retention. Passionate to build a magical user experience, scale systems up, and ship reliable applications.

Team Work




Jul 2023 - Present


Big tech company that forever changed the mobility business in the world.

Software Engineer

Jul 2023 - Present

  • Increased monthly active users and annual GB through targeted campaigns and enhanced product visibility.
  • Reduced infrastructure costs by millions porting systems from acquired companies into Uber’s primary data centers.
  • Leveraged A/B testing to gradually launch features and analyze key business performance metrics.


Jul 2021 - Jul 2023


Unicorn startup that uplifted the business of delivering groceries on demand.

Software Engineer

Jul 2021 - Jul 2023

  • Improved ETA estimations by creating an optimized caching mechanism as a fallback from data models queried via network APIs.
  • Implemented asynchronous tasks to perform batch operations on the database based on the processing of data uploaded on internal tools via CSV files.
  • Leveraged knowledge of state machines to implement a rules engine based on a DSL that automatically solved alerts related to the operation.


Ago 2020 - Jun 2021

Aracaju, Brazil

Fintech startup building software platforms with banking capabilities access.

Software Developer

Ago 2020 - Jun 2021

  • Helped to expand the customer base by implementing digital bank accounts, debit cards, payment of utility bills, and bank slips.
  • Prepared the microservices infrastructure to handle thousands of requests in an internal network based on protocol buffers exposed via an API Gateway.
  • Established end-to-end testing using Postman, and CI/CD using Docker and Jenkins.
  • Leveraged AWS cloud knowledge using buckets to store assets.


CNPq Scientific Scholarhip
CGPA: 5 out of 5
B.Sc. in Computer Science
Taken Courses:
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Distributed Systems
  • Network Security
  • Operating Systems
  • Artificial Intelligence
Extracurricular Activities:
  • Developed technical skills in algorithm design and analysis.
  • Contributed to the academic community through scientific research.
B.Sc. in Eletronics Engineering
Extracurricular Activities:
  • Developed technical skills in electronic prototyping.


Owner Jun 2019 - July 2020

A signal processing CLI tool used to find the period of a given time series.


Z2n periodogram python implementation
30TH EIC UFS October 2020

CNPq scientific scholarship through the collaboration in the study group on high energy astrophysics that resulted in a scientific computing software for astronomical data analysis techniques.

Robots and the future of work
DCOMP UFS September 2019

Article that addresses, through a historical argument, the likely impacts of the automation process on the supply of jobs in the global economy.

The future of the internet
DCOMP UFS June 2019

Critical position article on the impact of the internet on human relations and the construction of a planetary cyberdemocracy.

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